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  • Writer's pictureGreen Knott

The impact of food wastage

According to some articles out there about 33% - 50% of food is never eaten, tossed and then land somewhere else on earth. It happens generally everywhere including homes, restaurants, planes etc. One of the most direct impacts is the large amount of land, because where else would it be other than your home?

The result of the problem is the amount damage it can inflict to the environment. When food wastage gets to landfill it starts to decompose and create methane (more than 20x deadly than CO2) because it oxygen is not present therefore produces a dangerous scenario.

It's not all about that, farmers will need more land to help grow more produce in the future. And because of recent climate changes we already can see negative impacts on agriculture including businesses being affected the most.

It's not all bad news, we can control food waste and it's up to us. Here's a few tips that can help.

- Do not cook too much food

- Shop smart

- Keep track of expiry dates

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